All About Senior Room

All About Senior Room

The Senior room has 16 spaces for children 3 to 5 years of age although some years, depending on space 3-31/2 year olds may be admitted.  The Senior Room staff consists of two RECE (Registered Early Childhood Educators).  The Senior classroom is a special place of child-centred activity-oriented education, designed to develop young children’s spontaneous desire to learn.  The program is based on the philosophy of learning through PLAY, through which children develop self-confidence, learn to get along with others and begin to observe,  experiment, inquire and reconstruct their environment.



The Emergent Curriculum is a method of planning which focuses on observing and recording the children’s interest and development during play and during teacher guided activities, enabling the teachers to provide appealing activities which motivate learning.  This approach is socially and intellectually engaging and personally meaningful to children.

The teachers follow the children’s lead and then introduce new and exciting activities to sustain their interest and deepen their exploration.

Our emphasis is focused on developing social skills and problem solving skills, fostering independence, and building a foundation for lifelong learning.  By documenting it gives the teachers the ability to create an environment that will enrich the learning activities and provide opportunities to promote children’s learning.

Our Emergent curriculum is posted on the bulletin board outside of our classroom.  Please refer to it daily.



Early Learning for Every Child Today “ELECT” was put together by an expert panel in early childhood education in the Province of Ontario. Each child will have a booklet in his/her cubbie.  The teachers will document observations of developmental abilities, and interests on a regular basis.   Parents are also invited to document observations that they see at home.  This booklet is a wonderful tool for the teachers as it will assist them in implementing an Emergent Curriculum.  You can Google EARLY LEARNING for EVERY CHILD TODAY to see full publication.



During the day emphasis will be placed on your child’s participation in group and independent play/learning situations, through the use of learning centres.  To most grown-ups the word “PLAY” means a carefree and lighthearted amusement, an activity opposite to work.  However, to the young child, play itself is the serious business of learning.  It is exploring, practicing and testing; in short it is work.  Of course play is fun too, but it is not like adult recreation, since children spend virtually all their working hours in one form of play or another.  Through the senses, listening, speaking, movement, sight and touch; children learn to interact with the world around them.

Our program identifies goals in all areas of development:


  • PHYSICAL: to help children increase their large and small muscle skills and feel confident about what their bodies can do.
  • EMOTIONAL: to help children experience pride and self confidence, develop independence and self-control, and to have a positive attitude toward life.
  • COGNITIVE: to help children become confident learners by letting them try out their own ideas and by helping them acquire learning skills such as the ability to solve problems, ask questions and use words to describe their ideas, observations and feelings.
  • LANGUAGE: to help children communicate effectively by listening and speaking and to help them to become familiar with the structural elements and organization of print.
  • SOCIAL: to help children feel comfortable in school, trust their new environment, make friends, and feel they are a part of the group.

The activities we plan for the children, the way we organize the environment, the toys and materials we select, the daily schedule, and talk with children, are all designed to accomplish the goals of our program and give your child a successful start in school. (Trister Dodge, and Phinney, J. A Parent’s Guide to Early Childhood Education.Washington: Teaching Strategies Inc., 5-6)



You can help your child make the transition to our JK room by ensuring that he/she is:

  • Dressed in clothes that are labeled (to avoid confusion) easily managed with little or no assistance and appropriate for the weather
  • Able to manage some basic elements of getting dressed such as putting on shoes, jackets and learning to use zippers and or Velcro fasteners
  • Independent with bathroom routine and washing hands
  • Able to understand personal, indoor/outdoor safety rules

Starting in the JK room is very exciting for parents and children.

You can prepare your child by:

  • Involving him/her in activities which promote learning (e.g., library programs, play groups)
  • Talking positively about school and school related activities
  • Reading books and experimenting with printing (dot-to-dot activities and names)
  • Playing age appropriate games with a family member
  • Praising your child for his/her efforts and achievements
  • Setting reasonable tasks and responsibilities for your child to do on his/her own

(Parent Guide to the Kindergarten Years…NE.Catholic District School Board)



Parent /teacher meetings are held twice yearly.  October/November and April/May.  Please feel free to approach the teachers at anytime if you have a concern or just want to touch base.

ORIENTATION for the Senior room can be scheduled with the teachers at times that are best suited.  If your child is new to the centre or new to the room feel free to set a time and date for an orientation.



According to the DNA, it is important for all the JK’s to have 1 hour sleep/rest on their beds.  Quiet activities are set up for the children that are awake or early risers.  We open the gym as a wake up room for early risers from 2-2:30 pm.



We are outside twice daily.  One hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon, weather permitting.  Please make sure your child is dressed according to the weather conditions.



Senior children learn best when they are exploring, discovering and experimenting-in other words, getting messy.  Clothes that are durable, easy to clean, easy to put on, take off and fasten independently are good choices for Senior children.



  • know his/her first  and last name and family members names
  • “learning” to put on his/her shoes take coats and boots on and off
  • Be able to use the bathroom, flush the toilet and wash hands independently
  • Knows how to share and take turns
  • Be able to tidy up his/her toys

Know how to listen:

  • stop what he/she is doing
  • look at the person who is speaking
  • be attentive when a person
  • is speaking
  • think about what the person is saying
  • follow simple 2-3 step direction



Children arrive at daycare with different backgrounds, experiences and at different stages of development.  Young children go through many stages as they grow and learn. One of the factors the teachers will be considering is your child’s stage of development.    The most important goal of our program is to help children become enthusiastic learners.  This means encouraging children to be active and creative explorers who are not afraid to try out their ideas and to think their own thoughts.  Our goal is to help children become independent, self-confident, inquisitive learners.  We’re allowing them to learn at their own pace and in the ways that are best for them.  We will foster each child’s individuality through the various stages of development so that they are confident and ready for school.

We are qualified and committed to providing a positive learning experience for each child.  We consider you to be partners in the learning process and encourage you to be actively involved.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to speak with one of the Senior Room Teachers and or Marilyn.


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Phone: Tel: (416) 519-7776
180 Simcoe Street, or North of 17 St. Patrick Street
330 University Avenue Toronto, Ontario M5G 1R8
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